Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Slower Pace

Keeping my thoughts to myself

The last couple of months I have avoided this blog. I had believed that considering I was not really doing any hardcore training, that it did not render any real reason to make any contributions. A quick read of my previous post and I already realised that this mindset is at odds with my reasoning for actually writing a blog in the first place. My blog is essentially purely an online journal. It is not designed to set the world on fire in terms of the latest training schedules, techniques and equipment. There are professional bloggers around for that. It is my own selfish outlet for reflecting on the day to day activities of my life and it is much easier than writing in a book kept hidden under the bed.

A friend of mine recently asked me where my latest blog contribution was. She reminded me that she enjoyed reading my posts, not because of the connection only to actitivies that must be conducted in lycra clad outfits, but because she enjoyed reading what was occasionally going on inside my head (poor misguided girl). She said that my reports on the sometimes random events that happen in my life remind her how similar we all really are in our reactions, emotions and worries. I mentioned that I'd stopped because I wasn't training, she frowned at me and said "Yeah but you're living Ky". Her outlet is regular instagram photo updates and she provides an interesting and often visually spectacular insight into her world. The bookworm in me prefers words.

So. Here I am. Writing in said blog once more.

A Change is as Good as a Holiday

Although there has not been much action in the way of my triathlon training and the exercise regime, since I let go of the capability to compete in any events for the remainder of 2014, there has been a bit of self renovation and change in terms of my lifestyle and day to day life.
I've already mentioned previously that my boyfriend and I moved house in May this year. We have settled in well and have now found ourselves feeling local within the neighbourhood. I finally know my way around the ridiculously large Coles which is apparently our local supermarket is a "concept"store and therefore gets changed around alot (not good for us creatures of habit) and I know the shortcuts home to avoid peak traffic on the main roads. Place of residence change - check.

I resigned from my previous work in private practice and soon after took up a position working as a podiatrist back within the public sector, in community health once more. The main motivation for this stemmed from the physical strain I was putting myself under, the complaints in my fingers from higher client loads (my rheumatoid arthritis does not like too much repetitive work with the hands), and the long hours of work and travel that were starting to get to me emotionally and mentally. Although I miss the people I was working with, and felt abit like I let down some of my loyal and regular clients, I do love where I am now. Shorter hours, less financial pressure despite earning less money overall, and a greater work/life balance. It's currently abit too quiet for my liking but I know that that will steadily grow. Careful for what you wish for, soon I'll be complaining about how busy I am.. In some ways the ability to be able ease my way into my new work environment has been exactly what I needed to truly take a mental break, step off the rollercoaster ride that has been 2014's main theme, and just breathe. I also know that when I am busier at work, I will enjoy it alot more now that I am refreshed and thrive on a steady but not stressful work load. I also feel closer to where I belong and more satisfied when I am helping the more disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the community, which community health centres allows a greater focus in this area. So all in all, a great decision was made. My hands are complaining alot less and are thankful too. Improve work/life balance - check.

Im continuing on with my postgraduate study at Melbourne uni, I have one exam in a couple of weeks but overall I am happy with my progress. Still a long way to go. Future study underway - check

My boyfriend and I also got engaged during this recent spell of absence from the online vent by keyboard. We are getting married in a little over 3 weeks time. Sorry what?? You are getting married NEXT MONTH? Don't you need at least18 months up your sleeve to even book a reception venue and order in the dress of all dresses? Nope. It is possible. Sure, a 2 month turn around might be considered a little unusual in terms of something like an engagement and marriage standard timeframe, but for us, we figure why wait? Once you've made the decision that you want to get married, why not go ahead and get married if you can manage it? When you know, you know. The front of our invite actually says "In life you meet thousands of people and nothing really changes. Then you meet one who changes your life forever. We waited so long to meet. So why wait any longer. We are getting married". Live in blissful love bubble - check.

Love is timeless

Anyone who knows either Al or myself, is pretty aware that we are 2 people that like to be busy. Wasting time is often not a luxury that we can afford. Sometimes it is to our own detriment but we both seem to thrive on the concept of filling our waking hours with  lots of stuff to do. I actually think the main reason we started living together in Mordialloc may have had more to do with that being the only way we would actually find the time to be able to see each other, rather than anything to do with romance. I guess also being a little bit older and wiser, and both having been through a bit in the past, we have learnt the value of trusting our intuition and taking action on the things that are right for us as soon as we know it rather than following any commonly accepted timeline. Those who know both of us well, also know that individually we aren’t people who always like to stick to the well trodden path, we both definitely prefer to fly by the seat of our pants. So I think that is a big part of what makes us work. We would be far too frustrating for anyone who doesn’t roll that way to put up with us.

I also believe that when I have within my life, the kind of man that Al is, I am simply crazy not to jump at the chance to spend the rest of my life with him. Nawwww yeah, I'm feeling abit mushy today. You have to forgive me as I've been listening to songs to play at the reception & its made me feel abit lovey dovey... *insert grimace when talking about mushy stuff*

So it is fair to say that the previous few weeks have been busy with locking in venues, decorations and other various wedding tidbits. The groom, who I affectionately call 'Groomzilla' largely because it annoys him so much and I now get to annoy him for the rest of my life, is pretty involved in the process which is kinda cool. He has many ideas about the day, most of them are actually good too, and he is more than willing to help organise/book the things that we need to put on what is essentially a big party after we do the important bit - get married. So I'm smiling alot and feeling a lot less frustrated about not being able to run or do any heavy duty physical training thanks to this happy distraction. Yep, doctor's orders, still not able to pound the pavement. I will talk about these things more in upcoming posts. Organise wedding - check.

The best laid plans..

I've learnt on my short time on the planet, that one of the only constants in life, is that life is full of change. Circumstances change, people come and go, situations arise that you never saw coming, sometimes curve balls get thrown at you and you strike out for a while, sometimes magical and wonderful things come into your life that you didn't even imagine were possible. I have always considered myself to have abit of feline good luck. Like a cat, I usually find a way to land on my feet. I never dreamed that I would one day land on my feet in a place filled with so much happiness, love, laughter and calmness. I talk about finding my 'zen' alot, the deep sense of well being, contentment, and calmness that can only happen when you are in a place of genuine inner peace. I have never felt so close to it in my life as in recent times. That is not to say that there are not worries and concerns that plague us in daily life, we are all human. It is knowing that when you take stock of everything that you have and put into perspective the negatives versus the positives, usually the important things, the larger positives always outweigh the lesser negatives. Ahhhh zen... mmmmm.... thought interruption: I hope those centrepieces arrive in time for the wedding! Ok, maybe there are still elements of stress that still creep their way in.