The last couple of weeks have been a battle to stick to my training while still nursing the back injury I sustained when my carpark gate attacked me. Work and cycling seem to aggravate my back the most, so I have found that I have only been able to complete the key sessions for my training plan. This does not worry me too much as I am still getting through swimming, the shorter run sessions and have done some of the cycling although I am taking it very easy. I have had the back assessed, and it is a muscular strain that will recover as long as I look after it
Im frustrated because I know that I cannot continue for too long on this bare minimum schedule. I will need to be back at full training capacity very soon so that I can set myself up for the longer training sessions that will gradually build up heading towards half ironman distance training. I am trying to remain positive, even as I sit here in bed today, bedridden with a nasty bout of tonsillitis to add to the fun. This is going to prevent me from doing ANY training for the next few days to a week I would imagine.
Busy, busy, busy
I am also insanely busy at the moment with packing things into boxes at home and preparing where my stuff will be moved to in the coming weeks. Soon we will be moving into my boyfriend's family home, back into suburbia, so we have been working pretty hard to clean up the spaces at both places. Despite moving numerous times I am always amazed at how much stuff I have kept that I don't seem to use. I am trying to be ruthless and cull some of this stuff. This has been taking up alot of our time and although you get abit of a work out lifting and moving things around, it still does not compare to a decent gym session.
My boyfriend hard at work...
Yesterday the removalists came to move our bigger furniture. It was the only free day that we had between now and the end of the lease in a couple of weeks. We are camping out with the smaller stuff for the next couple of weeks, using camping chairs and camp table as our 'dining' area and little mattresses on the floor for our 'bedroom' upstairs. The washing will be done at the laundromat if we need and our biggest challenge is getting by without a fridge for the next week or so. The esky will see us through some of it. So it is really like camping, except in a townhouse..
Our 'campsite'.. My cat Lucy is included of course :)
From ANZAC day elation to tonsilitis hell..
As I mentioned earlier I have also been struck down over the weekend with severe tonsillitis. Anyone who has had tonsillitis knows how it can flatten you. I have not been this unwell for years. I had been feeling not quite right on Friday and by Sunday I was in a terrible way. ANZAC day festivities were brilliant on Friday. I watched my dad march in the city in the morning and attended our annual 8th devision, 4th anti-tank ANZAC day service at the usual pub in North Melbourne for my grandpa's second world war veteran mates and their families. There are 9 remaining veterans alive for Pa's regiment, and 2 were able to attend the march on Friday. Although these numbers are dwindling, the turn out from the remaining families remains strong. It is a always a very good time, very moving too.
My dad proudly marches for his dad
As an avid Collingwood supporter, the ANZAC day footy match is always a highlight. The minute silence amongst 92,000 people at the MCG prior to the game is absolutely incredible and never fails to give me goosebumps. I am fortunate that as a full Collingwood member, I have a seat at both home and away games so I am always guaranteed a ticket/seat to this game and each game of the season. It was a great game this year and we came away with the win this time, so I was extra happy on what is always a great day.
Powerful pre-game anzac tribute
Although I had planned to head out in celebration with a couple of friends from the footy, I was not feeling too crash hot so I went straight home instead. Good decision. By Saturday afternoon I was rocking a very sore throat. Saturday night I was hoping that the sore throat was a precursor for a cold/flu type virus and would disappear overnight and become a more manageable cold. Nope. When I woke up early Sunday morning I felt like I had been hit by a truck and my throat was more sore than ever and closed over with swollen tonsils that made breathing and swallowing difficult and painful. I already have very large tonsils anyway, that are scarred from previous bouts of tonsillitis as a teenager. I probably should have had them taken out in my early twenties, yet when I was told that the next time I got tonsillitis they would have to come out I then did not have it again for the next decade.
My boyfriend took me to the doctor as I was too sick to even contemplate driving. We laughed at how the doctor reacted by reeling back when he looked in my throat, and I jumped at his suggestion to have an injection as well as the prescribed antibiotics to try to get some improvement more quickly in a particularly nasty case of tonsillitis. With a temperature of 38.9, I was feeling hot and then cold changes every 30 seconds, standing up made me feel like I was going to pass out, and I needed to stand for a little bit as my butt was sore from the injection in the first hour following the jab. Not fun times. I got as many liquids in as I could, solid food has been impossible.
This morning I am not quite as sore however I still feel terrible. I am forced on bedrest for at least the next couple of days. Talking is difficult so lucky I have this blog to feel like I'm talking to someone :) I have learnt my lesson in the past though and with a body so run down that it is now stopping me in my tracks, I am forced to listen to it and take some time out to rest and recuperate.